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Dentist Red Deer | 22 @ Taylor Dental Care

TMJ Specialist Near Me

TMJ (TMD) Therapy

Temporomandibular Joint Pain: What You Need to Know

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ/TMD) is a medical condition affecting the muscles and joints that connect the jaw to the skull. It is characterized by pain, tenderness, and limited movement in the jaw. Typical symptoms of TMJ/TMD may include headaches, earaches, facial pain, neck and shoulder pain, dizziness, trouble opening or closing the mouth fully and clicking or grating sounds when the mouth opens or closes.

When people experience these types of persistent issues with their jaws and facial muscles, it can be a sign that they are suffering from TMJ/TMD.

Before recommending treatments for TMJ/TMD, we will typically conduct an in-depth examination including X-rays to uncover any potential underlying causes of jaw discomfort. Common causes of TMJ/TMD can range from issues such as bruxism (teeth grinding due to stress or anxiety), tooth misalignment, arthritis or trauma to the joint itself. Other factors such as diet or lifestyle habits may also play a role in causing TMD.

Once the cause has been determined, we can then move forward with developing a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique situation. Possible treatments for TMJ/TMD include splints which create space between teeth while you sleep at night; physical therapy to help reduce tension in your jaw muscles; restorative dental work like crowns or veneers; injections; and even surgical intervention if more conservative approaches fail to provide relief.

For those suffering from persistent symptoms related to their jaw joints and facial muscles - such as headaches, earaches or difficulty opening and closing your mouth - visiting a dentist who specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions like TMJ/TMD could prove beneficial. Our dentists have extensive knowledge of dental anatomy as well as broad experience handling cases related to this disorder - both of which make them uniquely qualified to help alleviate any discomfort stemming from this condition so you can experience improved quality of life once again!

As this joint is crucial for proper functioning and comfort, it's important that you seek qualified dental services. At 22nd@Taylor Dental Care in Red Deer, our experienced and professional team offers TMJ/TMD services to examine and treat your oral and overall health. Don't suffer in silence – contact us today to schedule an appointment and get relief from your TMJ pain.

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